
(202) 415-6569


[email protected]

Monday-Saturday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

  • Prenatal  Yoga (Online/ In-person)

Why Prenatal Yoga is so important?

  • It helps you to master the breathing patterns needed to go through every labor stage smoothly.
  • It helps you to decrease back pain/pubic pain and that comes with carrying a growing baby inside of you.
  • It helps you to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • It increases your strength, flexibility and muscle endurance needed for the childbirth.
  • It helps you to better manage your prenatal weight gain because like all physical activity, Yoga keeps you active.
  • It helps to get your baby in the best position for birth. For example, there are some yoga poses to turn a breech baby that can encourage your precious baby to turn around naturally.
  • It helps you to establish a very deep connection with your baby and teaches you to listen to your body.

When should I start doing Prenatal Yoga?

You can start prenatal classes at any time during your pregnancy or even when you are trying to conceive. It will definitely bring right “ baby” energy into your life. As long as your healthcare provider has given you the green light to stay physically active during your pregnancy.

How often should I do Prenatal Yoga?

Most Yoga experts believe that it should be practiced daily. However, 2-3 times a week would be already extremely beneficial. It all depends on the trimester and how you feel.

What is the difference between Yoga and Prenatal Yoga? Can I just continue my regular yoga routine?

Prenatal Yoga is specifically designed for pregnant people, addressing  concerns pregnant women would have. Teaching Prenatal Yoga Sessions also requires a separate certification. Even the most knowledgeable Yoga Instructors might not be familiar with the peculiarities of Asana/ posture modifications  in order to be safe  for “future Moms to be”. Common positions in regular yoga might be too stressful for your joints and pelvic area when you are expecting.

  • Birth Doula

We offer:

  • 3 Private Personalized Yoga Session ( Virtual/ In-person)*
  • 2 Prenatal visits  (Virtual/In-person)*
  • Continuous labor support.

We will remain with you throughout your labor and birth, providing  emotional support, comforting you, giving suggestions about pain relieve (massage, essential oils, etc.), staying with your older kids in case needed.

  • 1 Postpartum Visit *
  • Yoga classes (Online/ In-person)
  • Low Impact Functional Training

Low Impact Training is your choice if you have back problems, and prefer to go easy on your joints. It should be your number one choice if injured and recovering. This is especially true if you have suffered from an orthopedic injury in the past or have undergone a joint replacement surgery. Keeping the impact low will help you recover faster so you can get back to high impact activity with time if you feel like that. Although High Impact Trainings might help you to lose weight faster (following the diet restrictions), Low Impact exercises will also be beneficial for losing body fat.  On top of that, it can help your Alignment and Balance.

  • Deep Tissue Flexibility Training (Online/ In-person)

Flexibility training increases the temperature of muscle tissue which in turn increases circulation and transport of the nutrients. This allows a greater range of motion and reduces the degeneration of the joint.

Flexibility training Personalized Sessions vs. Yoga Sessions. What to choose?

Although, Yoga Sessions definitely include aspects of flexibility, there are still many differences.

Flexibility training is a great choice for you if:

  • You do not feel comfortable with the whole concept of Yoga (Religious Reasons, etc.) but want to reduce muscle discomfort, tightness and post-work out pain.
  • You need to develop flexibility specifically in certain parts of the body and want to reach certain gymnastic elements (split, bridge, etc.)
  • You need muscle relaxation
  • You are a professional athlete and need  flexibility results in the shortest time
  • You want the body to go further it’s limits and reduce the risk of injury during your intense workouts or regular everyday activities.
  • You need to promote good blood flow to the body.